Start into a new year

Now that the new year is really starting and we are well rested and energetic after the holidays, I can not wait to see what happens in 2019. The fact that I now have my own company and that it is already starting in 2019 with great projects and new contacts from 2018 makes me proud.

2018 was an interesting year. After graduating from the FH in Hagenberg I was looking for the right job for the first time but more and more people approached me to take over their projects. Also, through referrals from friends and other customers, there were more and more orders. That’s how the idea of self-employment was born. The idea became concrete plans and suddenly it was just a question of time. At the same time, I also work for Ideenberg, a marketing company in the Salzkammergut, which offers exciting and challenging projects for me.

Die Rundschau in Linz hat einen Bericht über mich gebracht, der hoffentlich vielen Menschen erreicht und gefallen hat. Mein Beweggrund dabei war, die vielen negativen Schlagzeilen mit etwas Positivem aufzulockern und zu zeigen, dass es trotz des großteiles sehr negativen Berichterstattung auch gute Dinge auf dieser Welt gibt. Man muss nur genau hinsehen.
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